Cat Stories / Quirks

Remi (brother of Maeby/original) He is the biggest cat/brown and white.  He likes to be picked up and held.

Rem likes belly rubs, playing with the string toy and chasing treats fired off of the half wall.  Unfortunately, he and Maeby sometimes fight. He has issues with Maeby and chases her at times; she often hisses/growls at him if he gets too close. They generally work it out themselves but they can have serious sounding fights which usually sound worse than they are. If that happens you can separate them, i.e. put Maeby in her basement room or our bedroom OR put Remi in the basement.  Remi and Phil play fight at times and generally sort it out without intervention.  Both think they are the boss cats. If stressed Remi has been known to pee; If you can smell something but can’t find it use the black light in the dark (keep in mind despite being sprayed, past puke stains show up on the rug so don’t be alarmed!) At night or if away for a longer time in the day, I put Remi downstairs.

Mr. Phil (foster fail/ was Chirp’s kennel mate) He has a shiny black coat with large white patch on chest.  Not a fan of being picked up…will tolerate it sometime if you put his head over your left shoulder.  (He’s picky)

Mr. Phil can be as bad as he is sweet.  He likes to play with the beanbag mouse and the string toys.  He likes to pull on the string so to prevent him damaging his teeth don’t pull back too hard, or just let go of the toy.  Phil likes to chew on boxes, books, etc. so please put stuff away that you don’t want chewed as I would hate for him to wreck any of your things.  Unfortunately, Phil likes to chase and chew on the other cats so if the others are getting sick of him or you are sick of the hissing, you can put him down in the basement or bedroom to cool off. Poor Phil, I don’t think he means to be an asshole…but he can be one. I do put him downstairs at nighttime, if he’s willing to go.

Chirp (Revy; foster fail/was Phil’s kennelmate) Black coat with whitish undercoat, walks like an old cowboy).  Can be picked up…hold him like a football! 

He is a good cat, a loveable lump. He likes to watch the bunnies and birds out the window.  He likes the string toy as well and the little mice toys. Chirp sometimes fights with Maeby but they never have a serious fight. Chirp gets annoyed with Phil so often hisses and growls when he is around… you know, the whole ‘Phil can be an asshole’ thing.  Chirp can mix and match well with the other cats. Generally, at night I put him downstairs.

Maeby:(sister of Remi/original) We also call her “Mish Mish” or “Moose”. Smallest/lightest brown and white cat.  Not a fan of being picked up…will whine if you try.

She is the only girl. Maeby loves the string toys as well.  She basically is always upstairs. The storage room at the bottom of the basement stairs is also considered her domain and has her litter box and food bowls down there. Maeby is the cat that sleeps with us. Unfortunately, the others pick on her (and she sometimes is just overreacting!) but they generally get along when together.  There is a small sliding door at the bottom of the stairs.  If putting Maeby down to use the box while the others are out, just slide this door closed, don’t latch it.  She is able to open it on her own so that way she comes up when she is ready.